Dear Friends,

Many of you have asked how to help Nepal. As you know, Kathmandu has been devastated by the earthquake.  There is no electricity, water is in critically short supply, people are sleeping on the street in tents and rescuers are still searching for survivors.  People are just beginning to get word from villages that were affected by the quake, and no one really knows what is happening outside the city.   Our own Myths and Mountains friends, travelers and READ Nepal family are all ok. But there is an immediate need for disaster relief and there is a longer-term need to support rebuilding efforts.

READ ( is there for the long haul to help villagers. We are not a first-stage disaster relief organization, but many of our centers in rural Nepal, as well as near Kathmandu, were affected. If you want to contribute to help rebuild communities, feel free to donate to: Designate Nepal as the recipient. We will ensure that all funds get to those who most need them.


For those who want to contribute to first stage disaster relief, below is a partial list of organizations that are helping with this critical stage:

  • Mercy Corps
  • Global Giving
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • Catholic Relief
  • CARE
  • Save the Children Nepal
  • Red Cross

Thank you all for being so caring and wonderful. For me, of all the people I have met in my travels, the Nepalis stand out. There is a warmth and a willingness to take a stranger into their homes and heart that exists in few places. A family in a mud hut with nothing will share their rice with you and will give you their mats to sleep on. Sherpas will risk their lives on mountains to save yours. Now they need your help. Travelers often say they go to Nepal for the mountains, but they return for the people.

Namaste and thank you,


Toni's Signature

Dr. Antonia Neubauer

President, Myths and Mountains

Founder, READ Global